Oztrail Microsmart 270 Sleeping Bag


Price At Time Of Writing | $99.00

Our Overall Rating | 66 out of 100

Pros - Price

Cons - Less warmth, heavier than others

Overall - Ok for warm weather camping

Technical Specifications

Packed Size - 37x18cm

Weight - 1.5kg

Fill - ExoTherm Synth

Our Analysis & Ratings

The Oztrail Microsmart 270 is the cheapest bag we reviewed and folks in most cases you get what you pay for. The fabrics are soft but camping out in Autumn we were quite cold. Not a bad bag for summer camping and under $100. Holes around the zipper let the cold air in and the construction offers little warmth.

Comfort - Soft fabrics but don't hold warmth as well as we'd like. Gap at the bottom of the zipper can let the cold air in.

Construction - Quality outer fabrics but the inner and fill offer little warmth. Hard to believe this is a -5 bag.

Features - Minimalist design but has the basics: inner pocket, draft tubes, hood drawstring and can be joined to a second bag (LH RH). No draft collar, single zipper.

Size/ Weight - Packed size of 37x18cm and weight of 1.5kg. On the heavy side for hiking but ok for camping.

Versatility - A good summer bag. We wouldn't want to be stuck out in cold conditions with this bag.

Overall - Ok for warm weather camping or indoor sleeping


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